As it had this recipe in it....
Even better I had all the ingredients...
so I launched straight into it....
Weighing 300g of honey and 125g of butter into a heatproof bowl, sitting the bowl on a pan of simmering water...
It all started to melt together quite nicely, so I added the zest and juice of 1 lemon...
Then came the wierd bit...gradually adding 3 lightly beaten eggs. Each addition really did go quite gloopy and alien like as it joined the main mixture, but frequently stirring, as the instructions said, it gradually came together into a smooth thick paste...
It is ready when you can "draw your finger across the back of the spoon and it leaves a light line"
Then its time to strain the curd into warmed jars. I was about dubious about the need to strain it as it looked pretty good to me, it did seem rather a bit too much fuss...
But as it dripped through into the jars...the "eggy strands" that were left behind looked distinctly unappetising ...
About the only downside to this recipe is that you don't get much curd (recipe says it makes approx 450g) ...
and you do use rather a lot of honey... but it us a good sign of a good afternoon's baking!