Sunday, 22 January 2012

Quilting in the snow light

One of the joys of living in the UK is its unexpected weather.
You make a plan for a day off and suddenly the weather changes and you discover it isn't such a good day to mow the lawn.....plant seedlings..... or wash the car.

That's when an indoorsy kind of hobby really comes into its own.  Suddenly your disappointment at not being able to do what you originally planned to do... becomes an unexpected bonus day to do something else with...

So imagine my joy when I woke up to find unexpected snow!

I didn't want to leave all the appreciating to the fox running past and the light was just superbly reflecting all around.  
Nothing else for it - time to trace a pattern for a project!!

This is actually part of a secret project for a birthday present for a friend with one of those Special Birthdays that ends in 0 later in the year... so I'm only going to show you some snippets of it here - you know - just in case she is peaking....
The light was so good that having transferred the design I got straight on with the important job of auditioning the thread....

Important decisions had to be made about high or low contrast .....
colour highlight or low light
Or even a little bit of sparkle.......
Then thread decisions made I discovered, joy of joys, that I could indulge in a whole afternoon of armchair rugby appreciation and quilting as the snow wasn't so bad that the 6 nations match had been cancelled......

A superbly productive day was thoroughly enjoyed!
Wonder if I can order more snow for next weekend?

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