Well its a touch hard to tell... they seem to be coming and going and doing the pollen gathering
The only way to find out how they are really getting on is to open the hive and hope to see wax being built on the foundation frames in there...
Oooohh first signs are good - they've made some wax on the underside of the roof....
Whoever knew that bees wax could actually be white? Pure unsullied bees wax mmmm yummy
And look plenty of bees - and they are building more bees wax between the frame and the inside of the hive... silly things... that's a waste... might have to pull that off later...
Now this is more like it, - drawing out the comb to make cells for storing nectar and pollen, laying eggs in and hopefully.. oh yes ... hopefully making honey in sometime soon.
So how to encourage bees to make wax - ensure they remain well fed.
As the forecast for the week was rain rain AND more rain that means feeding them with sugar syrup....
This will be the 4th litre this week - THAT'S how rainy it has been ...
Please can someone make the sun shine soon - getting worried these girls will get hooked on sugar and forget how to collect nectar!
Good to see they are doing well and producing what they should (maybe not in the right place but they will learn!) Do you think they would like some lolly pops to keep them going? How many should I bring........