Friday, 20 July 2012

If you go scrumping for apples do you go bluemping for blueberries?

Well, whatever its called its jolly good fun looking after the neighbour's garden whilst they are in Canada and there is something particularly tasty about home grown, rather than shop bought, fruit.  And fruit scrumped from under the nose of the watch-cat ...well that's the tastiest EVER!

So the next question was what to do with scrumped blueberries... soon found some inspiration...

Just need to sift a bit of flour...

Mix the milk and corn oil so it goes all bubbly...

Whisk in an egg to make it bubble even more...

Weigh out the sugar and blueberries...

And according to the instructions I can stir in the blueberries - with no more than three stirs...

Pop the mixture in muffin cases and bake for 20 minutes in an hot oven...

Ta-dah! Blueberry muffins!!

They look like the perfect accompaniment for mugs of hot tea for quilters tomorrow... 

1 comment:

  1. And I would just like to say how good they were!!! I may even try that recipe myself they were that good!!! Please thank next door!!! And thank you!!!


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