Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Florida - O is for Orcas - of course!

Both me and 'im indoors went to Florida with friends of our own somewhere vaguely 25+ years ago ( how long?) and highlight we both agreed upon was Seaworld.

I know its kitschy and there's a tonne and a half reason's not to like it but it really is spectacular entertainment...

and Orca's come with friends...

Maybe this is why I love it sooooo much....where else can you get up so close and appreciate such grace beauty and strength within arm's reach?

 Now, back to Orca's friends.  Some of them are beautiful colours...

Some are just too cute to be true....

Some need you to endure a few minutes discomfort to say hello up close...


Some are super small...( not supposed to find a mole on a path but best to shepherd it to the edge and safety in the flower bed if you do)

And some are just plain kooky looking...

And not all of Orca's friends live at Seaworld!

Sometimes the smallest bunny (in Magic Kingdom no less!) can cause great excitement...

Some come along in splodges with friends of their own.....

Some have accessories that mean they are best left alone...

Some bring the whole family along with them...

Some need you to be super eagle eyed to spot them at all....

And others are simply so very special..you need 'im indoors to catch'em with the zoom lens and hope the cropping can sharpen the image when you get home!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, did not know there was a large variety of animals in the parks - other than the Orcas of course!


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