Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Confused Garden

There was a brief burst of sunshine this morning....

The temperature rose to about 9'c and very briefly the bees flew out and came back loaded with pollen.  So I had a hunt around the garden to see what was out and feeding the girls.  Because be frank...I'm really quite confused by the number of things that are flowering in the garden already...

The winter honeysuckle right in front of the hives has flowered well but the bees seem to have completely ignored it!

The pots of pansies and bulbs by the back door look pretty but haven't really provided much pollen...


The crocus I planted last autumn in the lawn to replace all the ones that were dug out when we created the fruit beds,  have all some through and on sunny days the bees have definitely investigated them closely..

..just not when I had the camera in my hand....


There are daffodils about to burst into bloom, as well as those in sunny spots that already in full bloom...


The Mahonia is flowering strongly...

As are the hellebores (with a side order of quince that seems to be a bit ahead of schedule)

In fact the hellebores are going truly bonkers...


But then things get really confusing.  The Flowering currant seems determined to get going even though its not supposed to flower till April....

And whoever heard of strawberries beginning to put out flower on 2nd March?

Its simply too confusing!!

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