I'm crossing my fingers for a bumper morello cherry crop, because look....I'm not the only one appreciating the blossom....
This evenings sunshine made the Acer positively glow, camera doesn't quite do it justice but you get the gist...
Who said gold and red were autumn colours?
Now there's a bit of a tale in bee keeping circles (can you have bee keeping urban myths?) about the unsuccessful pollination of a whole orchard of apples. The farmer made the mistake of not mowing the grass under the trees before the bees arrived and so the bees gorged themselves on dandelions and ignored the apple blossom. Seeing this worker get her head down into this dandelion, its a tale I can well believe...
Clean bee arrives...
Best go home and wash that mucky face....
Love the bee at the top of your blog - I think it is [relatively] new?