Sunday, 7 September 2014

Hungry bees....

It must be autumn....
The monster sunflower is looking like its only fit to be squirrel food...

The last rose of the summer is trying very hard to last....


And  the autumn crocus are being nibbled at the edges by the army of slugs that seem to live at the bottom of the garden


So it must be time to start feeding the bees....there is SOOOO little nectar out there and they need to be well fed to stay warm through winter so its time to hit the sugar bags!!

Winter bee food is easy, two parts sugar to one part water....


Don't worry about the cup of tea...that's for me I'm gonna need the energy....there's a lot of stirring ahead...



Really there's an awful lot of stirring fact there's nearly 15kg of of stirring to be done....

Decanting it into milk bottles for easier carrying kinda makes it look like moonshine....

Sooooo easy to carry down to the girls....

See...those sunflowers really are past their best...

The girls are so hungry as soon as the roof is off the hive they come streaming out in search of food....

Best get the food on the hive quickly...

Hope they get chomping down on this quickly!!

1 comment:

  1. It's a good job they don't need to visit the dentist with all that sugar!! :) Here hoping it's a good winter for the girls.


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