So I have a whole week to explore different routes between Waterloo station and the college....
I found some interesting and quirky places along the way in between the landmarks....
They really don't make stations like this any more....
I'm always amazed at just how much residential property gets packed in to every nook and cranny in the very centre. Both brand new for £multiple millions and previously loved ...
and internationally renowned theatre a the end of the road....
I particularly liked the decorated railway arches between Waterloo and Waterloo East...
and the cafe at archway 401 had a great way of making sure you know exactly where you are (Perhaps better appreciated at night)...
Sadly I didn't manage to find time to check out the coffee at this cafe, so I can't comment on the skills of the gentlemen baristas......
If I thought the coffee house was shoe-horned in, it was nothing compared to this church. Not sure I'd appreciate the rumbling trains if I was deep in prayer, though it's name was intriguing....
And there is great potential for a quilt design in its stained glass window....
There were some splendid buildings,that haven't lost all their former glory...
but despite my appreciation for all the old and quirky I have to admit that its the newest modern buildings that dominate the skyline and in truth the whole area....
It seems as though every alleyway and street gives a whole new view of now infamous land marks...
Mostly from underneath, or right outside the front door they are really uninspiring, you wouldn't really guess that this.....
is the bottom of this...
I was more impressed by the "living wall" on the building next door....
I've come to the conclusion I think the best of London is the combination of the old and the new...
or a good zoom lense so I can see more of this...
and a little less of this....
Some great views ..... need one from the top of the Shard!!