Friday, 26 December 2014

Rudolf the purple nosed reindeer....

This year the Quirky quilters group decided that we would make a "Secret Santa" gift for each of us, so names were drawn from a hat and I picked the purple fan!
Sometimes, you see something,in this case a pattern from the Quilters of Sutton Christmas project,  and just know, you just KNOW, it will be the funniest gift for the idea of Rudolf the purple nosed reindeer was born...

I gave the pattern a thorough read....seemed straight forward enough....

Auditioned and pressed some purple fabrics...

Copied the pattern pieces onto steam-to-seam...

Ironed them onto the fabrics....

cut them out and re-assembled some to check they really did work together....

...had a minor panic, when I'd forgotten that the design would be reversed in the tracing process...


Re-positioned all the bits on the background fabric and ironed them into place...(with a purple iron!)


Then had a fabulous evening blanket quilting around all the shapes....

Starting to look good (if I do say so myself)....

Rudolf needs a little embellishing ....even with the purple stripy binding there isn't quite enough purple going on here, time to audition some buttons...

That's better.....

Now .....I just need to get the nose and eye right.....
Which proved to be rather easier said than done... the options were either too small, shiny & pink or too big or not really purple in the wrong light or just plain daft!



There......that's better....

Ta-dah!!  Merry Christmas 
Hope his new owner likes him!

1 comment:

  1. Love - oh I must put a rainbow one together!!!! Love the purple noses - who knew there was such a large choice!! I would have gone for the pom pom!!!! Lol. Great gift!


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