Friday, 15 May 2015

Two bridges and two banks...

I had to go to a work based event today so a different walk to "work" was possible.  It started quite like a familiar one with a stroll across Vauxhall bridge, I'm heading somewhere behind Millbank tower...

Gotta get across the bridge first...

Always feel secure with this behind my back...

Walking along the north bank, with the sun on my shoulders always feels good first thing in the morning...

I really love the way great buildings pop out from behind the trees,

Other buildings could do with a few more trees to hide them...

Good job there are nicer ones in the other direction....

Talking of "other direction" coming home I decided to cross at Lambeth bridge and take the southern bank footpath back to Vauxhall... waving goodbye to this....

from several angles across the bridge....

Amazing that even from this far away the Shard is visible in the distance...

Gotta walk round this curve...all the way back to pretty much under that tower...

Loving the use of old boats to make seats along the river bank....

Keep on walking......keep on walking.....keep on walking...

Wave to the Tate....peaking out from the other side....

Halfway there..... bye bye Westminster & Lambeth bridge...

Helo Vauxhall..... you looked prettier in the sun first thing this morning!

Time to get back on the train ...

mmmmm maybe I'll get a bus next time...

1 comment:

  1. Good to see other photographers in London too. I don't envy you your commute at all but I do envy you view of London everyday - I love London!!


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