Sunday, 14 June 2015

Owls - two ways

There's a bit if a fashion thing going on with owls at the moment.  They seem to be the "in" critter appearing on all sorts of home furnishings, fashionable stationery and T shirts.  So as a thing to make that might sell in a charity fund raiser it seems like a it of a no -brainer to have a go at making a few...

Firstly crochet keyring ones, from this pattern by Bunny Mummy 

Crochet circles....

gain small crochet circles for eyes...

Get sewn together and a key ring added...

and then because they are great fun, and really quite simple I keep going....

And before you can say "too whit too whoooo" there's a whole parliament of owls....

Meanwhile, not to be out done, Region 2of the Quilter guild have organised a fund raising 
Tomb-owl-a.  for which a pattern of an owl pin cushion came out in the regional magazine - Twos company...

Two rounded triangles of fabric sewn together to make a cone...

a fabric covered cardboard disc for a base to make the owl stand up straight...

A bit of  stuffing and the point of the cone folded forwards to make the beak....

two button eyes and hey presto....

A second parliament of owls is ready for  action!

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