Sunday, 5 July 2015

Bee - light candles

How about this for a nice relaxing way to spend a rainy July Sunday afternoon?
Making beeswax tea light sized candles...

Gather all the tools for the job...beeswax, tea lights, a length of wick, scissors, and wick retainers...

Cut lots of small wicks  - one per candle...

Thread them through the wicks retainers and squish shut to hold the wick with pliers....


Voila - forest of wicks ...

dip each one in some melted wax to prime it (i.e. soak the wax into the wick to ensure it burns evenly)

voila forest of dipped wicks ( ooh err missus!)

Then dip the retainer and stick it to the base of the tea light holder

This stops the wick from drifting off centre when you pour in the remaining hot wax.
Voila forest of prepared tea light holders... 

And slowly, but surely, a forest of finished and cooling candles develops....

So simple and such fun!


  1. Oooooooo how very exciting!

  2. Me thinks you may have dropped happily into 'The Good Life!' :-)


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