Saturday, 8 August 2015

Shaunientiering - Bristol -Part2

I suppose it was inevitable.
But the family enthusiasm for tramping around a city to find interestingly decorated statues of an animated Plasticine icon had been worn out by part 1 of our adventure.
So part two of this expedition around Bristol involved just two of us.  Thankfully Nicki is very tolerant of my beekeeping enthusiasm so when I said,
"There are four of them decorated in a beekeeping theme"
She said,
"Well lets plot a route to find those four and take in as many of the others as we can on route, we can please ourselves how long it takes and stopping for tea and cake along the way may be compulsory..."

So off we set...there were 70 in all, we were committed to finding four... here are the ones we found along the way....

Beach boy

King Arthur of Lambelot & Excalibaar

Leaving behind the fabulous combined flower and edible leaf flower beds...


and climbing the hill towards the university and art gallery buildings...


Loving the cut work on this one - showing off the fluttering tea lights inside...

Arabian lights
Arabian Lights - side view

Baaack to the drawing board

Back outside we found...

Thunderbirds are go

And hiding behind Bristol's answer to the Trevi fountains...


Flock 'n roll
From Dusk till Shaun

And some bees snuck onto Dusk till Shaun's legs...

back to the historic dockyard walk....

On the Waterfront
Jarsberry Ram

Sgt Shepherd

Absolutely loving this one - clearly inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean and complete with seagull in his hat...

The Pirate captain

Shaun bean
Justice Lamb

King of the carnival
Life Aquatic

Just before lunch - we found our first "official" bee themed Shaun....

Green poems for a Blue planet


After lunch we found these by the historic market and St Stephen's Church..


loving the more stylistic, less cartoony bees on this one....

Moving on...

Wooly Wonderland

There's actually a couple of crochet techniques on this one I can do!!!


Back into the sunshine of the main shopping areas....

Knit wit

Bagpus Shaun

 Rather taken by this quilting themed one (must be the hexagons)


Please stand by
Shaun on the cob

Lamb chop
Loving that this Maisy mouse one is right outside the children's hospital to whom all the funds raised from the trail will go

Maisy and friends

I don't remember bees in the books I read to my boys..but I'm not going to argue...

We drove past Tutti Fruitti (so no photos) on the way out to Clifton to find .....


Rather surprised to find myself liking this pastel one quite as much as I do...


Then on to Cribbs causeway shopping centre to find...

Shrek Shaun

And some flocks of smaller Shauns decorated by local school children, some absolute crackers in this lot!



Did you spot it?
I couldn't possibly miss this one...

And finally, a fitting end to a hap-bee day shaunientiering.....


 look at that sparkly bee nose!! and all over dazzling bee-tastic pattern!!!

One very happy, very hot and sticky and in desperate need of a cold drink bee-dazzled beekeeper...

Full kudos and appreciation to the non-Shaunientiering male family members who ensured that we arrived home to Bar-B-Q and ice-cream cake.  All of which was super yummy.
And for the record...I'm fairly sure I counted 32 found!

1 comment:

  1. I love them all, but am partial to Shaun on the cob. But bee-dazzled is a close second!


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