Named Buzz, Woody and Thomas they swam happily together in the corner of the living room for 10 ...or was it 11 years... then by one.....they left us for the great fish tank in the sky.
And sadly the corner of the room was not the same.. .and three pairs of sad eyes looked waterily at Dad and said Please..... p.l.e.a.s.e......P-L-E-A-S-E can we get some more fish.??
So the tank was scrubbed, new gravel, props and plants purchased and it was set to run for a fortnight to let things like ammonia and nitrate levels settle down...
There really cant be too many things more odd than an empty fish tank in the corner of the room so we were all mightily chuffed to be allowed to go fish shopping ...
Home we came with bags of fish ...who then had to be acclimatised to the tank...
So let me introduce you to...
Le-mon ....the lemon yellow goldfish
Tiny-paulos - he's ashiny kinda guy
Jimothy - he's a bit shy - forever popping in and out between the plants
and finally
Mama's tiny fish.
After a few days of tail nipping they are now getting along famously and bring a lovely bit of homely colour back to the corner of the room.
Loving the new fish.... But loving the little mini more!!!!! Was that your mini Helen!!!! :))