Coming round the next to last corner on the way to work the sprinkles were already sticking to the pavements and the (in)famous green bridge was looking distinctly grey in the swirling flakes..

The walk to school (and the office) was getting ever more interesting, and as the river started to disappear as well it was no wonder really that flights from Heathrow were disrupted...

All told it wasn't a day to be dreaming of firing up a wood stove on a houseboat...

Even if there was a cloud of snow whirled along the platform by every intercity passing through...

Anyway we all got safely home and snuggled down to see how much more snow might fall overnight.... I'm sure there were some small folk dreaming of snowmen! ( I know I was)
Sure enough we woke to a mini winter wonderland in the garden...although it did look like the foxes had beaten us to running around in it...
But whilst it was fun building snowmen and throwing a few snowballs I did find something to worry about...
Bees cluster together and shiver to generate heat to keep the colony warm - queen at the centre - imagine that all the way through the winter in a snuggle of 34' ( mmm yummy). Anyway a quick look at the snow on the roofs of my hives hints that all may not be well in Abigail's hive....
Becky looks like she might nicely toasty on the inside tho'....
The big question is how long do I leave it before opening Abigail's hive to investigate if she really is ok in there?
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