Combine that with a few impending mental challenges (week long course and two exams for work plus my first bee keeping exam the week after) I haven't really been in the mood to get back into a quilt. But I still feel the need of a bit of crafy stuff - particularly at the end of the day.
There's something about the rhythmic hum of a needle through fabric that is the perfect wind down of a day, and if I can't have that then its got to be hooky.
I'm increasingly finding that crochet is hitting the spot that needs to be precisely lulled.
Not so much the pop-thrum of needle through fabric...more of a slip, wrap, slip, tug of yarn around hook and fingers.
Now learning how to crochet has been a bit of a battle for me.
Pretty much all the instructions are for right handers and my poor sinistrality afflicted brain just can't decipher and flick over the diagrams.
Thank heavens for the internet.
And more precisely for this blog:
- most specifically for the superbly clear photos and plain English instructions that enable me to do the head flipping stuff and get the project right!
Now if only there was a small project I could complete within a few days of half term....
oh look! - there is:
and if only I had some gorgeous new hooks to try out something new with...
Oh look - I do:

A rather lovely granny triangle slowly grows....
and then another

Have you already guessed where I'm heading with this?
Is it so obvious its not going to be a triangle?

Pretty much all the instructions are for right handers and my poor sinistrality afflicted brain just can't decipher and flick over the diagrams.
Thank heavens for the internet.
And more precisely for this blog:
- most specifically for the superbly clear photos and plain English instructions that enable me to do the head flipping stuff and get the project right!
Now if only there was a small project I could complete within a few days of half term....
oh look! - there is:
and if only I had some gorgeous new hooks to try out something new with...
Oh look - I do:
These came as a birthday present from the lovely Creative Carole who may have done a fair amount of internet shopping here to obtain them.
Can you guess what happened when it all came together?
From a little loop....
A rather lovely granny triangle slowly grows....
and then another
and another...
And another...
And then a few more for good measure...
and then I thought I could personalise a few...
Now you know me well by now don't you?
Do you think I would be happy to leave the personalisation at a few little flowers?
Oh no....
Guess what came next?
Have you already guessed where I'm heading with this?
Is it so obvious its not going to be a triangle?
Ta -dah!
Honeycomb bunting!
Could I be accused of getting carried away?
Now then, a bit of a press.....a drip of starch .....and a final bit of embellishing I think....