Sunday, 12 May 2013

Poorly Me and poorly bumble...

I felt really under the weather today.
Nothing major wrong..... just the trials of the common cold.  It crept up on me from nowhere and filled the front of my brain and my nose with concrete... so I was feeling a bit sorry for myself as I strolled down the garden to have a chat with the girls...

In fact I nearly stepped on someone else.
Thankfully 'im indoors came to the rescue of a rather droopy looking bumble bee who was looking very sorry for herself up side down on the garden path, and with the aid of a bit of twig propped her up on a grape hyacinth...maybe a drop of early morning hyacinth nectar would revive her...
It certainly gave me the opportunity to see just how good the macro function on my snappy camera is...

If she crawls round the flower head far enough she is bound to find some nectar in there somewhere... 

Just sit still and let your tummy settle....

Time for a final top up...

And with a final shake of her lovely fluffy tailed bottom this buff-tailed bumblebee ( Bobus terrrestris) was off.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent photos....maybe I should consider putting my lot on a flower rather than stamping on them!


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