Thank fully 'im indoors said yes ok so I was able to buy a "nuc" or nucleus hive from the apiary.
So, we drove down there one night last week and collected it...
Doesn't look like much does it?
Trust me..... that' a box full of bees....
See - as soon as I push the frames apart there they all are...
And there....on the very first frame out of the box is the queen herself....
Gonna move that frame Very VERY carefully into the new hive...
And on the back of that frame...lots of yummy pollen...I do wonder if the different colours taste different...that queen is going to have lots to nom on in the next few weeks...
Right now, anyone who didn't hang onto a frame needs to walk out of the nuc and into the blue box before it gets too cold....
So now there are three and there is a bit of a theme beginning to develop....
Now - if my calculations are correct three hives - three times as much honey - mmmmm can i resereve three jars?!!!! :)