Friday, 1 November 2013

How big can a granny square get?

Honestly it really isn't a rhetorical question...  

Just how big can a granny square get?

It started as a big pack of balls of wool, donated from a quilters mum who’s stroke had left her struggling to deal with fine wool....


Somewhere in my head I just wondered how big I could make a granny square? 
By July it had already grow bigger than the average cushion cover…

By mid July it was definitely well on the way to being a blanket…

By the end of July it was just a question of how big a blanket…

By the start of October there were new decisions to be made about the colour order as some of the wools started to run low....

Finally the quilter in me burst forth and demanded that the blanket needed an edging to “rule it off” and ensure that it didn't just keep going for ever and ever…

A couple of rows of tight little double crochet stitches and a lot of lose ends to sew in....

And hey presto!! 

The job is done....

So now the blanket is off to Romania snuggling around some shoe boxes full of toys and gifts for children.  Keeping them safe on the long journey there, and hopefully keeping someone safe and warm over night sometime around Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Very good seeing as they were random balls of wool!!! It should be big enough for two children to share!!!


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