I certainly remember my shopping bag....
Half term seemed like the perfect opportunity to get on with a project. After all a storm was going to keep me housebound for at least one day, and the weather after the storm is only going to get colder.
Time for a scarf I think.....
With this really lovely Silk and seaweed mix yarn - its the one on the top left of the picture above...
Time to borrow the furniture in our holiday hideaway house to prepare the hank...
Winding the hank into a proper ball is supposed to stop it getting knotted and tangled....mmmmmmmm. might need to practice that a bit more.....
Finally 'tis done! and I'm ready to hook.
Thanks to Ravelry I have a pattern for a cowl, which has got to better than a scarf I think!, and a plan....so off I hook .....
Amazingly quickly in fact... So quickly in fact that there are no progress pictures... just this ....
I think my neck is going to be significantly warmer - Just in time -There is a forecast for snow next week!!!!!
Wonderful H, just what you need in this weather!!! Off to find myself some wool and a pattern!!