Friday, 8 November 2013

Quick! its getting cold out there!!

Remember Yarndale?
I certainly remember my shopping bag....

Half term seemed like the perfect opportunity to get on with a project.  After all a storm was going to keep me housebound for at least one day, and the weather after the storm is only going to get colder.

Time for a scarf I think.....

With this really lovely Silk and seaweed mix yarn - its the one on the top left of the picture above...

Time to borrow the furniture in our holiday hideaway house to prepare the hank...


Winding the hank into a proper ball is supposed to stop it getting knotted and tangled....mmmmmmmm.   might need to practice that a bit more.....

Finally 'tis done! and I'm ready to hook.

Thanks to Ravelry I have a pattern for a cowl, which has got to better than a scarf I think!, and a off I hook .....

Amazingly quickly in fact... So quickly in fact that there are no progress pictures... just this ....

..and as you can see the ball of wool on the sofa is significantly reduced!!!

I think my neck is going to be significantly warmer  - Just in time -There is a forecast for snow next week!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful H, just what you need in this weather!!! Off to find myself some wool and a pattern!!


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