Saturday, 6 July 2013

Crochet pals

Have you ever known someone for AGES, really thought you knew them well, and then have them tell you they are into something that you happen to be getting into as well and suddenly you have a Whole NEW conversation to enjoy?

Well that happened to me & Rachel a few months back...

Since then I've been invited to join her pals for their monthly crochet/knitting evening for some great evenings of knitting and nattering, cake, strawberries, tea drinking, biscuits, and popcorn.

We then found out that Gill would be taking a group of sixth form students to a particularly impoverished part of Rumania, a part that gets very cold in the winter months and could we do anything to help sew some blankets together?
Well one thing lead to another.....

Some chunky wool was rescued from a charity shop (thank you eagle-eyed Carole) and then Christine's mum decided that she really didn't need the whole of her wool stash any more...

Would you like to see how it has all started to come together? first a couple from Connie..

My little baby blanket...

And here's the super chunky one where we all made a square......

So here are Rachel & I taking a bow on behalf of Tina, Carol-anne, Gill J, Joel (look out Kaffe Fassett there's a new bloke on the block!!) and Christine...

I'm hoping it wont be too long before I can show you a photo of these blankets in their new home in Rumania, along with these WOW-tastic hats....

Do you want to see them closer up?




Courtesy of Vicky who with the help of a knitting loom, a bit like this one, can russle up a hat in an evening.
I think I may be feeling a new crafting itch coming on... I'm off to rummage what is left in the wool stash... 

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