Saturday, 27 July 2013

Let there be colour.....

Can a post about colour really start with a line full white laundry?- oh yes! - Just look at that sky!!

There really is a tremendous amount of stuff to get ready for a day of dying fabric.  Its been two years since I last managed to spend a day dying fabric and I really should have re-read all my notes before 6am on the day.  But I didn't so here I am brewing potions at silly o'clock on a Saturday morning....


Oh - and yarn....I'm hoping for a little side production of yarn for a hooky project I've got my eyes on...

Time to take all this white stuff to a super colourful beautiful garden to play with colour all day in inspiring surroundings...



First job: to mix the dyes....


Note the highly sophisticated, technological solution we employed to keeping each dye separate from the other....( knew those jam jars would come in handy)



Let the transformation commence...

Mostly its just a case of scrunching white fabric up and plomping it into a dye bath made of salt water, soda water and dye and massaging the whole lot together in a super strong plastic bag...

But every now and again I get a mad idea about what the fabric might turn out like if I cram it into a jam jar and tip it up and down again.. 


Capturing blog photos as I go....

For the record I may have had the cleanest hands when we stopped for lunch...

But I didn't have the cleanest work place!!

 Thank heavens it was always the intention to have an interesting drop cloth.

Now about that interesting side project of yarn.  Mostly I wanted a rainbow....but I had one hank of yarn left an experimental variegation was called for.  Now you see white yarn...


Now you don't...


I wonder what it will look like when its cooked in its cling film sausage for a few hours....

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