This evening brought some unexpected bounty...
A trip to the hives on the allotment ended with the opportunity to pick some beautiful red currants from a neighbour's allotment. And having picked and washed them there followed the tricky task of de-skalking them. Look how many I've done already...
...and how many there are still swimming in the bowl...... I think I may be here some time...
Maybe there are more in the pot and less in the bowl now...
Oh look.... NOW I can see the bottom of the bowl!!!
Time to cook them slowly and gently so the skins burst and let all the juices out...
Then its just a case of being patient over night...
Whilst all those lovely juices drip through....
At this point I need to remind myself that this is red currant juice and I am not a vampire...
Time to add some sugar and cook it to its setting point. Gotta love how the roiling boil just suddenly comes together...
and suddenly Ta-dah a whole pot of red currant jelly...
Time to pot it in jars...
From bush to jar of bounty in less than 24 hours...Thats gotta be a record!
Mmmmm lovely...... excellent find!